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Writer's pictureBrooke A. Searle

Wings of Compassion

With the Wings of Compassion,

May We Soar above it all.

About a year ago, I went to a ten-day silent meditation retreat. And during that retreat, I sat with some of my most painful feelings and thoughts. And eventually, I felt the feelings melt into something beyond what I could describe. The closest word is compassion. A feeling that inspired this art piece and eventually this poem (see below)

Recently, with the CoVID virus (and even my personal circumstances) some painful thoughts and emotions have resurfaced. And so has a need for deep love and compassion. So, I pulled back out this art piece. And restocked my shelves, as this art piece was out of stock (check out my prints for sale here).

And here it is, the invitation for all of us to fall back into the arms of our own self-compassion. Into a love that sees through it all. A love that is capable of giving us wings, in times we may forget we know how to fly. Oh yes, dear ones, you know how to fly. Above the noise, and into your hearts. May you be free, today and all days:

THE POEM (inspired by the meditation retreat):

I used to think compassion meant

To tolerate bad behavior

And yet, here I am

Feeling compassion

For the painful perceptions

I’ve carried for so long in my body

All of the guilt and painful emotions

Established by negative self-talk

limiting beliefs

And MY OWN bad behavior

I finally understand myself

Not needing anyone else to understand me

I feel this compassion

Healing, dissolving these wounds

A warmth radiates out of my heart

Feeling all that I once resisted, and judged

Melt into the wholeness that I am

I feel love, a peace, in every cell of my body

I think

“Is this what compassion feels like?

I don’t know if I have ever felt it before.”

And now,

I see things with new eyes

Eyes of peace and forgiveness

Eyes capable of seeing all the different viewpoints

All the different walks of life

from a broader perspective

I see that compassion

Is seeing the full picture

Understanding how: hurt people, hurt people

How I once,

With a limiting understanding and deep

established wounds,

hurt others

A realization that another’s bad behavior

Is not personal - it is their own pain

And although this does not justify bad behavior

It gives me the freedom

To fly above all the noise and chaos others still carry in their own bodies

Allowing us to be where we are

On our individual paths

It is with these wings,

That I allow myself to be

Where I am on my path

And can fly and dance

With nature's sweet embrace

Picking up new perspectives

From higher vanishing points

Detaching myself from the victim stories

And identities

I once clung to

Freeing myself of so many illusions

It is with these Wings of Compassion

I harmoniously respond,

set loving boundaries

and walk away with a serenity

Not allowing another’s pain

To trigger my own pain

As my pain and their pain

Feels dissolved in compassion

For It is with compassion

We soar freely above it all.

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