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Writer's pictureBrooke A. Searle

So, I let go

It’s becoming too heavy now

The weight of this story

The things my mind tells me I should have done

The instant replay

Over and over in my mind

The things I can no longer control

I feel the past dragging down the tree branches

The painful energies

Tugging me away

From this moment

I look around me

At all the fall leaves

Freeing the trees of

What no longer serves them

I wonder how I can attain

All that I long for?

How I can grow a healthy relationship

A healthy life

Be a healthy person

I aspire to be

With all this weighing down on me

As I look at the bare trees

So strongly rooted and upright

They appear so secure

So solid in their foundation

And I am reminded that

Trees are not alive because of their leaves on them

Trees are alive

Because of their roots to the earth

And oftentimes,

We attach our identities on the leaves

Coming and going from our lives

To the temporary happiness, we cling to

As if it is our source of love

And yet, the trees know a different truth

That healthy leaves grow

Not because of the leaves themselves

But because of healthy roots

And, I am guided back to the deep understanding

That love comes from within

Not from outside of myself

So, I decide,

What I really want to grow,

Is roots to my own heart

To my own connection within

To a sense of security

That can only come from me

As I am a source, a co-creator of these leaves

I cannot control the ebb and flow

The ever-changing circumstances called my life

But I can change my perceptions, my reactions

Rooted in my own self-love

So, I let go

I allow myself to be the bare tree

I feel the pulls of energy

Begging me to get lost in the past

And I say

“No thank you”

I stay rooted in the stillness

deep beneath the surface

Allowing myself to feel the harsh winds

Stripping me of the weight of the past

Allowing it to fall away

one by one

The arteries of my heart

Growing strong roots

In the soil of my own skin

I melt into this moment

Allowing it to wash away

All the remnants of the pain

Opening up a space. A stillness. A peace within.

I am here. I am present.

I feel lighter

I feel at ease

I feel acceptance

That melts my heart with the oneness of life

I feel forgiveness

That sends vibrations of love to all those I have walked away from

I feel peace

For it is my sanctuary

I feel all the love I ever longed for

Right here

Within me

© Poem and art by Brooke Searle 2018-2020

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