I can see past the illusions of separation
Underneath the false beliefs of not belonging
The old stories,
telling me
My worth comes from outside of myself
There is a stillness
A knowing
That shines its light on the illusions
It sees past the illusions
That say:
“You must look a certain way
Have a certain amount of money”
This stillness sees beyond these circumstances
It sees all of our beauty
It sees all of our light
This light feels like holding a hurt child
As if those illusions are my little kid
And I am bathing her in my light
In my unconditional love and compassion
I feel the compassion
wrap its warmth around the dark depths
I say to these wounds
“I see you, I understand you”
For isn’t that all we really want?
To be seen?
To know you have a love in you
Waiting to grow from the darkness
Longing for your own self-compassion.
Like compost to the garden of self-love,
The pain of the past
Breaths life to new roots
Strongly established in the soil of my heart
Making way for a serenity
An ability to watch these wounds fall way
To gain clarity of who I really am
Revealing my soul
Reminding me that I am love
And with this new awakened view
I see the individuals so differently
The birds appear
so seemingly separate from one another
The way they move
Their unique character,
structure and bird type
And yet,
They all fly with the same flock
Harmoniously flowing with the same energy
It is in that,
That they return and fall back
Into Mother Nature
Coming home to stillness
The freedom
And love
In which, all of our deepest essence is born from
It in this essence,
This space
That we raise each other up
It is in this space that we grow
We shift. We inspire. We evolve
And we are reminded that we are never alone
There is a connection
A deep resonance with all of life
An awe for all the powerful participants
Dancing and soaring next to one another
Reminding us,
That even when we feel like we are flying alone
We belong to the same flock
Although seemingly different on the surface
All stories have the same heartbeat
The same rhythm of being
The same struggles
The same lessons
The same essence of love and compassion
And together
We are reminded that
We. Are. One
We. Are. Freedom
May we all soar back home
To the freedom
Always available
deep within all of us.
© Poem and art by Brooke Searle 2020